Special Ed Law

  • PARC v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    children with disabilities can't be denied to receive an equal education
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    This case was not only about race, it included children with disabilities. Public school segregation became unconstitutional, all students deserved the right to an equally education with the same equality as the rest, regardless of race and disability.
  • Mills v. Board of Education of District of Columbia

    Students with disabilities have the right to have an education.
  • Section 504

    No student with a disability can't be denied services, discriminated and excluded from receiving program benefits.
  • FERPA (Family Education Rights & Privacy Act)

    Law that protects the student's educational records and allows parents to have full access to them.
  • IDEA 1975

    IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) the act allowed students with disabilities included in the education system and can't be denied public education.
  • EHA (Education for All Handicapped Children Act)

    Law that gives support to state and local to protect the rights of individuals and their families with disabilities
  • Rowley v. Board of Education

    This case allowed for schools to require special education and related services, it needed to be available for students and it would benefit their education. Rowley v. Board of Ed. gave more of a depth on what would be more appropriate services each district should held accountable for.
  • Trato v. Irving ISD

    A student should and is allowed to remain in school regardless of their disability. This case would define the meaning of health and medical services.
  • Honig v. Doe

    A case where a California school board violated a student's rights. The student was susponded due to his behavior, the behavior was related to his disability. The court ruled that all students should be offered services provided by the state and school boards, student could "stay put" until the IEP is establish.
  • IDEA 1990

    Still protects children with disabilities and the right to have a free public education, Autism and brain injuries were included.
  • ADA Title ll

    law that requires local and state to give an equal education regardless of the disability and access services and activities
  • IDEA 1997

    Schools should report parents of a child with a disability regarding the student's progress. The 1997 IDEA Law extended the right for a free education regardless of a disability from preschool-high school.
  • No Child Left Behind

    Law that requires states to provide an equal education regardless of their disability and social status.
  • Renaming IDEA

    2004 President Bush reauthorized IDEA. This was a new law that keeps the civil rights, but also required to have qualified special education teachers. It allowed financial assistance to state and local schools, it would garentee special education and services including technology to children with any disability.
  • IDEA 2004

    Early intervention was added, allowing to identify what services and special education the student will need.
  • Schaffer v. Weast

    Under IDEA each student deserves the right to have an IEP (individualized education program), this case allowed parents to challenged the child's IEP and request an impartial due process hearing and the "burden of persuasion" falls in the school's district.
  • Murphy v. Arlington ISD

    IDEA expenses, it allows parents to be financial awarded for seeking attorney experts in IDEA cases.