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Environmental Approach
stimulent-response-reinforcement -
children learn language based reinforcement principles by associating words with meanings -
Noam Chomsky (Theory of Language development)
Notable American linguist - language is innate, everyone has the ability to use language. -
Stephen Krashen
Linguist : acquisition-learning, the input hypothesis, monitor hypothesis, the affective filter -
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Communicative approach.
Authentic Texts, interaction -
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Interactionalist approach
shift towards understanding how sentences are connected. Structure and Function -
Hymes - Communicative Competence (CC)
grammatical knowledge of syntax, morphology, phonology and social knowledge. -
Selinker-Interlanguage Theory
Selinker concluded that interlanguages are systematic and dynamic. Created by the 5 cognative processes. -
Input Hypothesis
Aquisition occurs when learner receives optimal quantity of comprehensible input. -
Lev Vygotsky - ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development)
Zone of Proximal development, a specific zone in which learners will be able to further their understanding without being given too much information that it overwhelms them, but not too little that it is easy to do. -
Canale and Swain
Sociocultural competence, discourse,
strategic -
Long - Interaction Hypothesis
input comprehensible from; simplifying the input, using linguistic and extralinguistic features, modifying the interactional structure of the conversation -
Tracy Terrel - Binding
Words should be associated with their meaning and not a translation, using gestures or actions.