
  • 1101 BCE


    Sparta was an important Greek-City State. They were most famous for their military because of how powerful they were as a unit. Spartans were trained almost all their lives to fight for their City-State. Each spartan, including the women, were massive people. Not like a typical average person, especially during that Era.
  • 1100 BCE

    Creation of Spartan city-state

    Creation of Spartan city-state
    In 1100 B.C, where Dorians had created a city-state, later on to be named Sparta, was used as a location to train warriors of Sparta. This was important to have, considering the fact that the Spartan boy would be released from their mothers at age 7 to begin to train for Sparta. Other than creating strong soldiers, they also wanted to conquer land.
  • Period: 743 BCE to 724 BCE

    Sparta vs. Messenians

    During the years 743 B.C. to 724 B.C. Sparta had conflict with the Messenian’s. Until, Spartans had won against them and took over their land, the Messenians had accepted their loss.
  • 550 BCE

    Argos vs Sparta

    It wasn’t until 550 B.C, where Sparta had to settle their dispute violently once more. This time Sparta had victoriously beat the Argas. Due to this defeat, the Peloponnesian territory now was the land of Sparta.
  • 480 BCE

    Battle of Marathon

    Battle of Marathon
    Battle of marathon is the first battle between the Greek and Persians. It is included in one of the Persian wars. The Spartans were unwilling to comply with Athenians. Therefore, the Persians lost to the Greeks which encircled them. Athenians failed at their surprise attack as well. This was the first victory that the Greek obtained in the Persian wars.
  • 480 BCE

    Battle of Salamis

    Battle of Salamis
    The Persians lost once again to the victorious Spartans. Athenians chose to protect themselves from a wooden wall. They interpreted the prophecy too literally. By doing this, they all died in Acropolis. The Spartans had used their narrow area technique as noticed in Battle of Thermopylae. The Persian commanders learned nothing about their defeat. Ships were drawn to narrow areas once more.
  • 480 BCE

    Battle of Thermopylae

    Battle of Thermopylae
    This battle was significant, because the Spartans had an advantage of letting their enemies march into a narrow place. This made it easy to kill them one after the other. This is also the battle where a trader showed the Persians the back door. Therefore, Spartans had to flee to warn others. Three hundred Spartans stayed to fight off the Persians. In the end, both armies fought to the death.
  • 464 BCE

    Spartan Earthquake

    Spartan Earthquake
    Sparta had an earthquake, historians state that is difficult to determine the magnitude of it. The earthquake destroyed a great amount of the Sparta city-state. The death rate was about 20,000 Spartans. This lead to revolts in Helots, the slaves of Sparta. Many events, after the earthquake, lead to the Athenians and Spartans to cancel their treaties between one another.
  • 425 BCE

    Spartan defeat

    In 425 B.C, six years into the war between Athens and Sparta. The Spartans finally had been defeated. This was due to Spartans attempting to invade the city, Pylos, by a marine landing. The Spartans had found themselves stranded on another island where the Athenians would later land troops. Several hundred Spartans were captured. This lead to their surrender.
  • 404 BCE

    Peloponnesian War

    Peloponnesian War
    This war was important, since their primary focus was on military, The Spartans were now at their greatest peak in power. A major reason which the Peloponnesian war triggered was that Sparta worried about Athens’s slow rise in power. Spartans were all about being the biggest and strongest, so to see the Athens in success created a great deal of concern for the Spartans.
  • 371 BCE

    Battle of Leuctra

    Battle of Leuctra
    In 371 B.C., Spartans were defeated by Thebes at the Battle of Leuctra, and their empire went into a long period of decline. Epaminondas, Theban general, had lead an invasion into Spartan territory.
  • Work Cited

    “Sparta.”, A&E Television Networks, 12 Nov. 2009, “Rise of Sparta: Social Life, Role and Political History.” History Discussion - Discuss Anything About History, 8 Aug. 2015,
  • Work Cited

    “Sparta: The Fall of the Empire.” HistoryNet, 5 Aug. 2016,, A&E Television Networks, Internet History Sourcebooks,
  • Work Cited

    Lohnes, Kate, and Donald Sommerville. “Battle of Thermopylae.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 5 June 2018,
    “Sparta: The Fall of the Empire.” HistoryNet, 5 Aug. 2016,
  • Work Cited

    464 BC Sparta Earthquake.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 20 Mar. 2018, Gill, N.S. “Battle of Marathon: Winners, Losers, and a Marathon Runner.” Thoughtco., Dotdash,