By alba.4
  • Submarine

    The submarine was invented by Isaac Peral( a spanish scientist, sailor and military man, lieutenant of the Navy) and it was conceived at 1884.
  • Cable car

    Cable car
    Leonardo Torres Quevedo was dubbed the "Spanish Leonardo Da Vinci" and the invention of the cable car in 1887.He wanted to travel by a Nigeria´s valley so he try to make something to could do it.
  • Portable x-ray machine

    Portable x-ray machine
    Mónico Sánchez Moreno was a Spanish inventor and electrical engineer, pioneer of radiology, wireless telecommunications and electrotherapy. He invented that machine around 1909.
  • Gyroplane

    The gyroplane is a rotating wing aircraft, that is, it flies like airplanes but its wing is a rotor that rotates by the action of the wind. It was created by Juan de la Cierra and its first fly was in 1917
  • Mop

    The mop is a tool for wet cleaning the floor and usually consists of a stick at the end of which are absorbent fringes.It was created by Manuel Jalón Corominas.
  • Disposable syringe

    Disposable syringe
    The inventor of this container, made of plastic, and which was used to inject liquids (or to draw blood in the analysis) was Manuel Jalón, the same person who twenty years earlier had revolutionized the domestic market with the invention of the mop.