Period: to
Corpus Christi de la Isleta
Antonio Margil de Jesús,. He departed Spain on March 4, 1683, and arrived at Veracruz on June 6.
Franciscan priest Damián Massanet left Barcelona to serve as a missionary in the New World
Massanet spent several years building missions in Mexico. Then, in 1690, he accompanied General Alonso De León, governor of the state of Coahuila, to establish a Spanish presence in Texas. In that year, Mission San Francisco de los Tejas was founded near the Neches River. -
founder of the first Spanish mission in East Texas
rossed the Atlantic in 1683 to help found the missionary College of Santa Cruz de Querétaro. -
Franciscans. After ordination he joined twenty-three of his brethren, who crossed the Atlantic in 1683 to help found the missionary College of Santa Cruz de Querétaro.
he accompanied Gov. Alonso De León in the successful search for René Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle's Fort St. Louis
First east texas mission
san francisco de los tejas is created -
1690, he accompanied General Alonso De León, governor of the state of Coahuila, to establish a Spanish presence in Texas.
mission closed
mission san fransisco de los tejas is closed -
St. Denis sailed from La Rochelle to Louisiana on the second expedition of Pierre Le Moyne, Sieur d'Iberville, his relative by marriage. In Louisiana St. Denis commanded a fort on the Mississippi River and another at Biloxi Bay.
mission founded
san antonio de valero mission is founded in san antonio -
In 1740 the viceroy of Mexico named him colonel of the military companies of Querétaro,
texas' first recorded hurricane