
Spanish Exploration

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus' first Voyage

    Columbus' first Voyage
    Columbus' sailed on his first voyage for the country of Spain in 1492, his goal was to find a faster route to Cathay (China).Back then countries were not aware of how big Earth actually was. Columbus landed in the new world. When Spain found out about the new world they started to send more explorers.
  • Jan 1, 1518


    Cortes set sail in 1518 in search for the 3 G's ( god, gold, and glory)
    when Cortes landed in Mexico the Aztecs thought he was a god. Therefore they trusted him.After conquering the Aztecs he found tons of gold.This led to Spain believing the New world was filled with riches.
  • Jan 1, 1519


    Pineda is known for making the first map of the gulf coast.
    his map lead to new exploration of what we now call the coastal plains.
  • Jan 1, 1527

    De Vaca

    De Vaca
    De Vaca was a part of Narves' expedition. shortly after Narves died De Vaca took over in need to fing at leats one of the 3 G's for Sp
  • Fray Marcos & Esteban

    Fray Marcos & Esteban
    Fray Marcos was a priest who traveled with the explorer, Esteban to the new world.After De Vaca claimed to see seven cities made entirely of gold these two men were sent to try and find and find the cities. Esteban was killed after he decided to demand the Zuni's tribe for they're women and gold.When Fray Marcos returned to Spain he also said he spotted the 7 cities of gold.
  • Coronado

    The city that Coronado search for word "seven cities of gold quotes. His guys were squeezing yo The city that Coronado search for word "seven cities of gold ". His quide was Quicera, he dies. Coronado discoverred 5 states. He saved explorers time and money by saying that there was nothing in the New World to offer.
  • Moscoso

    Moscoso's leader was Alvarado. He said that Texas did not have any resources and no gold. Because of the reports Spain did not go back for 150 years