Jan 1, 1519
Cortez defeats Aztecs and Pineda maps Texas Coast
Period: Jan 1, 1519 to
Spanish Exploration and Colonization of Texas
Jan 1, 1528
Cabeza de Vaca shipwrecked, begins exploration of Texas
First Spanish mission established near prensent-day San Angelo
French Explorers visited the Mississipi Valley and made contact with the Natives
Spanish flee form New Mexixo (because of threats from the French); begin the El Paso missions
Spanish government sent an expedition in 1690 toestablish a presidio and mission among the Hasinai [Caddo] of the east Texas Piney Woods. The missions failed by 1693 because of the and epidemic that theHasinai shaman blamed on the Franciscan missionaries.
Most missions in East Texas Failed
The Spanish abandoned the Texas missions.
The San Antonio de Valero mission founded (the Alamo)
In 1718, the Franciscans added a mission at San Antonio, halfway between the east Texas missions and the Rio Grande River.
Started building San Jose y San MIguel de Aguayo mission, completed in 1780
San Jose y San Miguel de Aguayo,established in 1720.
Espiritu Santo mission established in 1722and moved to its current location in 1749.
San Juan Capistrano, moved to the SanAntonio area from east Texas in 1731.
The church of San Francisco de laEspada, moved to San Antonio from east Texas in 1731.
La Purisima Concepcion moved to the SanAntonio area from east Texas in 1731.Church completed in the 1750s.
Ruins of Rosario mission, established in 1754 and abandoned in 1807.
In 1758, a large force of hostile Indians destroyed San Saba mission, themission established for the Apaches.