Jan 1, 1250
Aztecs settle near Lake Texacoco
The Aztecs settle here after being forced away from the valley of Mexico. -
Jan 1, 1325
City of Tenochtitlan founded in Lake Texacoco.
Jan 1, 1350
Causeways and canals are built
Built in Tenochtitlan -
Jan 1, 1400
Aztecs defeat Tepanecs
Jan 1, 1440
Montezuma I begins his rule
Jan 1, 1492
Columbus "discovers" Americas
Jan 1, 1502
Aztecs most powerful
Aztec Empire at its most powerful as Montezuma begins his rule. -
Jan 1, 1502
Montezuma II begins his rule
Jan 1, 1506
Columbus dies
Jan 1, 1519
Cortes and the Spanish conquistadors arrive at Tenochitilan
Conquistadors were soldiers, explorers and adventures of the Spanish Empire. -
Jan 1, 1520
Small Pox outbreak
Small pox was said to have wiped out 25% of the Aztec empire. -
Jan 1, 1521
Cortes claims Tenochtitlan for Spain
Jan 1, 1521
Cortes claims Tenochtitlan for Spain
Jan 1, 1522
Tenochtitlan is rebuilt as Spanish capital
Tenochtitlan is rebuilt as the capital of 'New Spain', the Spanish colony in the Americas.