Spanish American War Timeline (1854 - 1898)

  • US Attempts to Purchase Cuba

    US Attempts to Purchase Cuba
    The US expressed interest in Cuba. Spain responded by saying the would rather see Cuba sink in the ocean. This is important because it sort of jumpstarted the whole feud between the US and Spain.
  • Cuba's First War for Independence

    Cuba's First War for Independence
    At this time, until 1878, the Cubans tried to rebel against Spain. Although they failed, they did earn America's sympathies, and in 1886 they forced Spain to abolish slavery. This is important because America wanted Cuba to be in the US, and since Cuba no longer wanted to be apart of Spain, the US could use that sort of as leverage.
  • Jose Marti leads Cubans into Second War for Independence

    Jose Marti leads Cubans into Second War for Independence
    Jose Marti organized a Cuban rebellion against Spain. Their tactics consisted of an active guerilla campaign, and destroying property, like American owned sugar plants to help make the US intervene. This is important because this event was a key factor in America declaring war on Spain.
  • General Valeriano Weyler Was Sent to Cuba by Spain

    General Valeriano Weyler Was Sent to Cuba by Spain
    Spain responded to Cubans Rebelling by sending General Valeriano Weyler. He tried to solve the problem by herding hundreds of thousands of Cubans into concentration camps. This is also around the the time Yellow Journalism starting occuring in America. The media was over exaggerating conditions in Spain to make it seem like Spain was worse than what they actually were. This was important because led Americans to believe that the Spanish were merciless dogs, which they were, but only to an extent
  • The De Lôme Letter Was Published

    The De Lôme Letter Was Published
    The New York Journal published a private letter that was written by Enrique Dupuy de Lôme, hence the name "The De Lôme Letter." The letter was meant to go to the United States, and it's contents consisted of calling the President weak, and a bidder for the admiration of the crowd. This event was important because it angered the American people, and is a factor in how the war started because of how it angered them.
  • Explosion of the US Maine

    Explosion of the US Maine
    President McKinley ordered the US Maine to bring home American citizens in Cuba. When the ship was docked in the harbor of Havana, The ship mysteriously blew up, killing 260 men. At the time, no one knew how the ship had exploded, although the US media portrayed the story as an act done by Spain. This event is important the US used this to finally start the war with spain
  • US Declares War on Spain

    US Declares War on Spain
    The US declares war on Spain, only a day or two after Spain declared war on the US. This is important because it gives the US a chance to show off their power, which they haven't had the chance to do in the past. It is also important because they want more land and to become a world power, and winning a war is a way to assert your dominance, and get more land.
  • Naval Blockade of Cuba

    Naval Blockade of Cuba
    The war in the Caribbean began with the part of the US navy, led by William T. Simpson, effectively sealing up Spanish in the harbor of Santiago de Cuba. This is important because it gave America a chance to show off their power from the very beginning.
  • US Attack on Manila Bay

    US Attack on Manila Bay
    10 days after declaring war on Spain, George Dewey commanded the US to open fire on the Spanish fleet, and within hours, every Spanish ship had been destroyed. This is important because it showed the power the US had, and it opened the way for them to land in the Philipines.
  • US Invades Cuba

    US Invades Cuba
    George Dewey's victory at Manila gave Americans more hope, and the US gained 125,000 American soldiers. They were at a slight disadvantage however, because they didn't have enough guns to go around, and they wore heavy uniforms unfit for Spain. Despite the odds, the US invaded Cuba through the port of Santiago. This is important not only did it show America's commitment, but it also gave way for future battles in Cuba.
  • Battle of San Juan Hill

    Battle of San Juan Hill
    The victory by the Rough Riders and the Ninth and Tenth Regiments near Santiago cleared the way for a strategic attack on San Juan Hill. This was important because Roosevelt became the hero for this battle, although he didn't really have a part in it.
  • Destruction of the Spanish Fleet

    Destruction of the Spanish Fleet
    The Spanish fleet tried escaping the American blockade, which ultimately lead to the entire fleet being destroyed along the coast of Cuba. This is very important because it boosted America into victory in Puerto Rico, and then the Treaty of Paris.
  • Capture of Puerto Rico

    Capture of Puerto Rico
    American troops invaded Puerto Rico coming off a victory after San Juan Hill, and completely destroying Spain's fleet. This event is important because it helped Spain to make the decision to give up, and make a deal with the US.
  • Armistice

    The US and Spain signed a cease-fire, and Spain basically gave up because they knew they had taken major losses. This is important because it opened the door to the Treaty of Paris months later.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was the agreement that the US had made with Spain. It was important because their were debates over whether or not the US had the right to annex the Phillippines. Imperialism was the over-arching factor however and the arguments didn't matter.
  • Spanish Surrenders Phillipines

    Spanish Surrenders Phillipines
    The senate approved the Treaty of Paris and the US now had Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. This is important because the US was now one step closer to being a world power.