Spanish-American War

By Tyra.34
  • General Valeriano Weyler is sent to Cuba

    General Valeriano Weyler is sent to Cuba
    When the rebellion was in full swing in Cuba, he was assigned governor. He is named "The Butcher" for imprisoning large amounts of the Cuban population in concentration camps.
  • De Lome Letter is published

    De Lome Letter is published
    A letter that reveals the Spanish Ambassador's opinion about the Spanish involvement in Cuba and President McKinley's diplomacy.
  • Explosion of the U.S.S Maine

    Explosion of the U.S.S Maine
    A US navy ship that sank. Yellow journalism circulated the idea that the Spanish were responsible.
  • President McKinley addresses Congress on Cuba

    President McKinley addresses Congress on Cuba
    President McKinley justifies intervention in Cuba.
  • The Teller Amendment

    The Teller Amendment
    In response to President McKinley's war message, it placed a condition on the US military presence in Cuba.
  • US declares war on Spain

    US declares war on Spain
    America's support of the Cubans and Filipinos against Spanish rule, and the explosion of the U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor were the main reasons for war.
  • Period: to

    Spanish-American War

  • Battle of Manila Bay

    Battle of Manila Bay
    This was the first battle. Nearly 400 Spanish sailors were killed and 10 Spanish warships wrecked or captured at the cost of only six Americans wounded.
  • Battle of Guantanamo Bay

    Battle of Guantanamo Bay
    Fought from June 6 to June 10, Spanish Forces surrendered and American and Cuban forces seized the harbor of Guantanamo Bay.
  • Battle of San Jaun Hill

    Battle of San Jaun Hill
    The most significant U.S. land victory and one of the final battles of the Spanish-American War.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Signed by Spain and the United States, it ended the Spanish-American War. Under it, Spain gave up claim of Cuba.