
Spanish-American War

  • Declared War

    Declared War
    The United States declared war on Spain following the sinking of the Battleship Maine in Havana harbor on February 15, 1898.
  • Mckinley

    President William McKinley asks Congress to declare war on Spain on this day in 1898.
  • Adams–Onís Treaty

    Treaty between the United States and Spain in 1819 that ceded Florida to the U.S. and defined the boundary between the U.S. and New Spain.
  • Battle of San Juan Hill

    Battle of San Juan Hill
    The Battle of San Juan Hill, also known as the battle for the San Juan Heights, was a decisive battle of the Spanish–American War.
  • The Battle Of Stantiago De Cuba

    The Battle of Santiago de Cuba was a naval battle that occurred on July 3, 1898 in which the United States Navy decisively defeated Spanish forces, sealing American victory in the Spanish–American War
  • Siege of Santiago

    The Siege of Santiago also known as the Siege of Santiago de Cuba was the last major operation of the Spanish–American War on the island of Cuba. This action should not be confused with the naval battle of Santiago de Cuba.
  • Armistice ends the Spanish-American War

    Brief and one-sided Spanish-American War comes to an end when Spain formally agrees to a peace protocol on U.S. terms: the cession of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Manila in the Philippines to the United States pending a final peace treaty.
  • Treaty Of Paris

    Treaty Of Paris
    The war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris on December 10, 1898.