
Spanish American War

  • US attempt to purchase Cuba

    US attempt to purchase Cuba
    Diplomats told President Franklin that he should by Cuba.
  • Cuba's First War for Independance

    Cuba's First War for Independance
    An uprising of Cuban planters against the Spanish to try and win independence
  • Jose Marti leading the second war of independence

    Jose Marti leading the second war of independence
    He launched a revolution to achieve Cubas freedom because he was afraid of the US turning Cuba into and empire
  • Valeriano Weyler was sent to Cuba by Spain

    Valeriano Weyler was sent to Cuba by Spain
    Valeriano Weyler was sent to Cuba by Spain to restore the peace between Cubans and Spanish. But he ended up putting 300,000 Cubans in concentration camps.
  • The Yellow press begun to shape American public opinion with respect to Cuba's civil war

    The Yellow press begun to shape American public opinion with respect to Cuba's civil war
    Direct opinion with respect to Cuba's civil war, the people behind this newspaper industry exaggerated what was going on in Cuba and Americans believed it and had extreme sympathy for the Cuban people and their rebels.
  • Publication of The DE LÔME Letter

    Publication of The DE LÔME Letter
    It was a letter written by Enrique Dupuy de Lôme calling out president William McKinley calling him weak and only doing what was wanted by the crowd
  • Explosion of the USS Maine

    Explosion of the USS Maine
    This contributed to the outbreak of the Spanish American War that April. The ship sank in the Havana harbor during the Cuban revolt against Spain.
  • Naval Blockade of Cuba

    Naval Blockade of Cuba
    The USA sent ships around Cuba to prevent anymore Spanish from coming there
  • U.S. Declares War on Spain

    U.S. Declares War on Spain
    The U.S. declared war on Spain April 25th, 1898. They declared war because they believe the Spaniards blew up the U.S.S. Maine which was a ship that got sent to Cuba to rescue Americans in danger of the fighting. the Maine blew up February 15, 1898 which was nearly 2 months before we declared war.
  • U.S. Attack on Manila Bay

    U.S. Attack on Manila Bay
    US ships sailed to the Philippines and were ordered by Commodore George Dewey to open fire on the Spanish fleet in Manila which was the Capital of the Philippines. Within hours USA started landing troops to take over the Philippines
  • US Invades Cuba

    US Invades Cuba
    US forces invade Cuba to try and overrun the Spanish Out of Cuba.
  • Battle for San Juan Hill

    Battle for San Juan Hill
    It was an uphill battle for a strategically important location in the war
  • Destruction of the Spanish Fleet in Cuba

    Destruction of the Spanish Fleet in Cuba
    The Battle of Santiago De Cuba was a naval battle in which the United States Navy defeated the Spanish forces for the final time sealing victory for the U.S. in the Spanish-American war
  • Capture of Puerto Rico

    Capture of Puerto Rico
    Two days after an intense naval battle between the Spanish and Americans US troops invaded Puerto Rico and once the treaty of Paris was signed the USA owned Puerto Rico
  • Treaty of Paris of 1898

    Treaty of Paris of 1898
    The USA and Spain signed a cease-fire agreement ending what Secretary of State John Hay called“a splendid little war.”
  • Armistice is signed between the USA and Cuba

    Armistice is signed between the USA and Cuba
    The USA and Spain signed a formal agreement to stop fighting.
  • Spanish Surrender the Philippines

    Spanish Surrender the Philippines
    The Filipino people rebelled from Spain and with the help of the US became a part of the US