Amerian interest in Cuba
Diplomats reccomended to President Franklin Pierce the the U.S. should buy Cuba from Spain. -
Approximity to the U.S
Cuba was 90 miles away from the U.S. which made us want cuba more. We invested in sugar plantations there so then we wanted Cuba so those didn't get taken by the Spanish or other Cubans. -
The Cuban rebellion
We sympathized Cuba because they rebelled against Spain. It was unsucessful but Spain abolished slavery in Cuba. Which is a reason we entered the war. -
Sugar Plantations
After Spain abolished slavery in Cuba American began investing mllions of dollars in sugar plantations in Cuba. So then we had to fight the Spanish for Cuba because we had land there. -
Jose Marti
Jose Marti a journalist organized a Cuban rebellion against Spain. It campaigned and destroyed property especially American- owned property like our sugar plantations. Which urged us to want Cuba more so we could have our plantations -
U.S.S Maine
The Spanish sunk the U.S.S Maine which was sent from America to go retreive american citizens being indanger by the fighting going on in Cuba -
Battle in the Phillippeans
America entered the Phillippeans for war. The day after they got there George Dewey gave a command for fire on the Spanish. In only a few hours all Spanish ships were destroyed and we won. -
War in Caribbean
Hostiles began a naval blockade of Cuba. Then Admiral William T. Spmpson sealed up the spanish fleet in the Harbor. 125,000 American volunteered to fight in the Caribbean. -
Battle in Cuba
The rough riders and 2 African-American regiments, the Ninth and Tenth calvalries went at it with an uphill charge on Kettle Hill. We got the victory and that made the way for an attack on San Juan Hill. -
Yellow Journalism
America's sympathy for Cuba grew as the day's headlines. Enrique Dupuy de Lome the Spanish minister to the United States. A Cuban rebel stole the letter and leeked it to the newspaper. The letter criticized Mckinley. We were angry over the insult and wanted Cuba from Spain more. -
2 days after the battle at San Juan Hill
Spanish fleet tried to excape the American blockade of the Harobor at Santiago. It ended the destruction of the Spanish fleet. America then invaded Puerto Rico -
Cease-fire agreement
Spain and the U.S. signed the cease-fire agreement which ended "A splendid little war" according to John Hay. -
The Philippeans
The Philippean Islands were free from Cuab because of our battle that took place there. Spanish troup surrendered to the U.S. -
Treaty of Paris
Officially ended the war. Spain lost Guam, Puerto Rice, and the Philippeans to the U.S. And Cuba now became free.