
Spanish American War

  • Persuasion to buy Cuba

    Persuasion to buy Cuba
    U.S. diplomates reccommended to President Franklin Pierce to but Cuba from Spain. This was due to its close proximity to the U.S.
  • Period: to

    Start to End of war

  • Spain Abolished Slavery

    Spain Abolished Slavery
    Spain decided to abolish slavery in Cuba due to their lack of control as a result of the Cuban rebellion. As a result of this Americans invest millions of dollars into Cuban sugar production.
  • Cuba Rebels

    This was the start of when Cuba rebelled. The Rebels decided that they were going to do anything they could to bring America into the war. They knew America hated Spain so what they decided to do was destroy American properties in Cuba, making it so that America had to intervene in an effort to protect its people and investments in Cuba.
  • General Valeriano Weyler

    General Valeriano Weyler
    In an effort to restore order Spain sent their best General to Cuba. He made concentration camps for Cubans. This created a huge effect on Americans through yellow journalism.
  • Start of Yellow Journalism

    Pulitzer and Hurst were the first to start yellow journalism. They wrote about the concentration camps in Cuba making Americans very angry with the Spainyards. Yellow Journalism continued making the American public very angry, so angry that the U.S. government almost had no choice but to declare war with spain for the protection of Cuba.
  • The De Lome Letter

    The De Lome Letter
    Private letter written by Enrique Dupuy de Lome, the spanish minister to the US. It criticized President McKinley, calling him weak, and bidder for the admiration of the crowd. The embarassed Spanish government apologized, and the minister resigned. Still, Americans were angry over the insult to their president.
  • Sinking of the USS Maine

    Sinking of the USS Maine
    The Maine was sent to Cuba to bring homr American citizens in danger of the fighting and to protect American property. It was parked in the harbor of Havana. On Feb. 15,1898 the ship blew up and 260 men were killed.
  • War Declared

    The U.S. official declared war with Spain saying that the reason they were in the war was to spread Democracy to Cuba.
  • Battle of Manila Bay

    The Spanish were ready to fight off an American invasion in Cuba, however the first battle of the war of the Spanish-American war was fought when America decided to try and invade the Phillipeans. To do this they needed access to the land there. They decided to attack Manila Bay. This battle was won by the U.S. and also greatly weakened the threat of Spain's navy because after Manila Bay the U.S. had destroyed or captured many of the Spanish Navy's major vessels. 0 American deaths, many spanish
  • San Juan Hill

    Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders charged up Kettle Hill with 2 african american regiments behind them. The vitory of this small battle cleared the way to gain posession of San Juan Hill, an important asset for the capture of the city Santiago.
  • Americans destroy Spanish American Fleet

    Admiral William T. Sampson effectively sealed off the Spanish naval fleet off the Southern Coast of Cuba in the harbor of Santiago de Cuba.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Spain lost the war and because of this had to give up land to the United States. Spain had to give up Guam, Puerto Rico to the U.S. and they sold the Phillipeans for $20 million dollars to the States.
  • Cuba, Guam, and Puerto Rico were annexed

    Cuba, Guam, and Puerto Rico were annexed
    The US Senate finally decided after great debate that it was moral and constitutional to annex these three countries
  • Platt Amendment

    Platt Amendment
    The U.S. made it so Cuba could not make treaties that might limit its independence or permit a foreign power to control any part of its territory, The United States reserved the right to intervene in Cuba, Cuba was not to go into debt, The United States could buy or lease land on the island for naval stations and refueling stations