spaceships evolution

  • First satellite

    First satellite
    The Soviet Union launched Earth's First artificial satellite.
  • First satellite from USA

    First satellite from USA
    The first satellite was launched by the United States its name was Explorer 1.
  • First dogs to survive space

    First dogs to survive space
    The Soviet craft Sputnik 5 was launched. It had two dogs inside and they became the first living things to survive space.
  • First space craft with a human inside

    First space craft with a human inside
    A team of Soviet space engineers created and launched a spacecraft into outer space with Yuri Gagarin (the first human in space)
  • Encouragement from President Kennedy

    Encouragement from President Kennedy
    President Kennedy encouraged the country to put a man on the moon before the decade ended.
  • USA Spacecraft on the Moon

    USA Spacecraft on the Moon
    Surveyor 1 became the first American spacecraft to land on the moon.
  • First humans on the moon

    First humans on the moon
    Neil Armstrong and Buzz became the first humans to walk on the moon.
  • Fourth space shuttle was launched

    Fourth space shuttle was launched
    Atlantis, the fourth space shuttle was launched.
  • Exploring Outside our solar system

    Exploring Outside our solar system
    The NASA spacecraft Kepler was launched. Its mission was to search for planets outside our solar system, in a distant area of the Milky way..
  • Last space shuttle

    Last space shuttle
    The space shuttle Atlantis became the last American space shuttle to be launched into space. All of these factors — high costs, slow turnaround, few customers. A vehicle, and agency that had major safety problems — combined to make the Bush administration realize it was time for the Space Shuttle Program to retire.