Spaceships Cole

  • Period: to

    The Space race

    The Space Race began as an arms race between the respective militaries of the United States and the Soviet Union. World War II had demonstrated to the world
  • The First Spaceship

    The first spacecraft, the Soviet Union's Sputnik 1, was launched on October 4, 1957
  • The Landing on the moon

    The United States' Apollo 11 was the first crewed mission to land on the Moon, on 20 July 1969.
  • Last moon landing

    The United States has not attempted a moon landing since Apollo 17′s Gene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt, the last of 12 moonwalkers, explored the gray, dusty surface in December 1972
  • First Space shuttle

    In the early morning hours of April 12, 1981, NASA launched is first Space Transportation System, or space shuttle, mission, carrying astronauts John Young and Robert Crippen into orbit.
  • First spaceflight of NASA

    STS-1 (Space Transportation System-1) was the first orbital spaceflight of NASA's Space Shuttle program. The first orbiter, Columbia, launched on April 12, 1981