

  • The Space Race

    This was the start of 'The Space Race' where the United States and Russian would try to get the longest time in space, the goal soon changing to man on the moon. This race would unfortunately claim around 30 lives. 19 being American the other 11 being Soviet.
  • Sputnik 2

    Sputnik 2
    Sputnik 2 was the first ever spaceship to carry animals, this one trip having a dog named Lakika. Lakika did not survive the trip. At the time of the launch, most predicted she would die as a result. It lasted 103.7 minutes (1 hour and 43 minutes)
  • Period: to

    Explorer 1

    The first satellite was launched by the United States. It orbited the earth every 114.8 minutes. (1 hour and 54 minutes) It fell out of orbit March 31st 1970 after it's batteries ran out the same year it launched in 1985.
  • Vostok 1

    Vostok 1
    Made by Yuri Gagarin in Kazakhstan, (at the time) Russia. The Vostok 1 was the first spaceship to ever have a human in it. It was only in orbit for 108 minutes. (1 hour 48 minutes)
  • Freedom 7

    Freedom 7
    Alan Shepard became the first American in space in 1961. He flew in the 'Freedom 7' spacecraft with the flight lasting 15 minutes.
  • Vostok 6

    Vostok 6
    Valentina Nikolayeva Tereshkova became the first woman in space in the Vostok 6
  • Luna 9

    Luna 9
    Luna 9 was the first 'craft' to be on the moon. This was done by soviets during the space race. It took three days after launch for the craft to reach the moon. It's goal was to take a picture of the moon so, the picture above is the picture it took.
  • Apollo 1 Accident

    Apollo 1 Accident
    Claimed as being the one if not the most devastating accident in space history. During a test all three astronauts on board had died when a malfunction had caused a fire on the Apollo 1 in 1967.
  • Venera 7

    Venera 7
    The Venera 7 was the first space probe to ever send data from the surface of Venus.
  • Mae Jemison

    Mae Jemison
    Mae Jemison was the first African American woman in space. Her story is very inspirational, and she's made a book about it, "Where the wind Goes: Moments from my life"