Featured space policy

Space Exploration Timeline

By lei38
  • Soviets launched the first satellite Spuntnik I into orbit.

    Soviets launched the first satellite Spuntnik I into orbit.
    This is so important to space history becuase it made America start realizing that we were behind our rivals, the Soviets. This made the U.S. start studying more and more to be able to do the things the Soviets were achieving,
    <a href='' >http://history.nasa.gov/sputnik/</a>
  • The Soviet spacecraft Sputnik 2 was launched with a dog named Laika on board.

    The Soviet spacecraft Sputnik 2 was launched with a dog named Laika on board.
    This is important becuase it shows that the Russians have the technology and backround knowledge to do skilled things like this before the Americans do. This will lead them to new and better things from the mistakes they made previously. For example, The Soviet spacecraft Sputnik 2 was launched with a dog named Laika on board. Laika did not survive due to over heating.
    <a href='' >http://www.howlofadog.org/laika-the-dog-a-sacrifice-to-science-on-a-one-way-mission-to-space/</a>
  • Period: to

    Dates from the 1950-1960's space history

  • The U.S. responded back by sending Satellite Exploerer I into orbit.

    The U.S. responded back by sending Satellite Exploerer I into orbit.
    This is important becuase it will play a big roll in history since they decided to respond back to the Soviets. They are now competing since U.S. decided to reply to the enemy. Who can get the most technology advances was the goal of this space race.
    <a href='' >http://www.space.com/17825-explorer-1.html</a>
  • The United States created a government agency in charge of its space program called NASA. Also known as National Aeronautics and Space administration.

    The United States created a government agency in charge of its space program called NASA. Also known as National Aeronautics and Space administration.
    This is very important because this program is what gets our country to all of these amazing achievmets. For example, Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that landed the first humans on the Moon, Americans Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, on July 20, 1969 because of this program invented called NASA.
  • The Soviets launched the first human into space,

    The Soviets launched the first human into space,
    This is very important becuase it shows that the Soviets are ahead on space achivevements when compared to the United States of America. This in the end helps our counrty gain new and better things.
    <a href='' >http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/first-man-in-space</a>
  • President John F. Kenndedy launched a program of space explortion and scientific research.

    President John F. Kenndedy launched a program of space explortion and scientific research.
    This is very important to space history becuase without John F. Kennedy launching this program there probably wouldn't have been an American on the moon.
    <a href='' >http://history.nasa.gov/moondec.html</a>
  • The first American to orbit the Earth was John Glenn aboard the space capsule friendship.

    The first American to orbit the Earth was John Glenn aboard the space capsule friendship.
    This is so important to our space history becuase it shows how America is working just as hard as the Russian's on new achievments and goals that may once been said impossible,
    <a href='' >https://www.nasa.gov/centers/glenn/about/bios/mercury_mission.html</a>
  • The lifting off of the Titian rocket from launch complex 9.

    The lifting off of the Titian rocket from launch complex 9.
    The lifting off of the Titian rocket is very important beause this will soon introduce pioneering space walks and space craft dockings to our counrtry.
    <a href='' >http://www.space.com/1697-final-titan-rocket-launch-ends-era.html</a>
  • Three American astronauts circled the moon aboard the Apollo 11.

    Three American astronauts circled the moon aboard the Apollo 11.
    This is impotant because it's the first 3 Americans, or humans to circle the moon. Since America focused on one subject, the moon they are now ahead of the Soviets on their new space achievments.
    <a href='' >http://www.space.com/17317-nasa-apollo-moon-astronauts.html</a>
  • The Eagle descended toward a flat aera on the moons surface called the Sea of Tranquility.

    The Eagle descended toward a flat aera on the moons surface called the Sea of Tranquility.
    This is very important to our history because as an American it is very special to have an aircraft on the moon that is from our country with a human aboard,
    <a href='' >http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/image_feature_1161.html</a>
  • Neil Armstrong "One Small Step" on the lunar surface was achieved.

    Neil Armstrong "One Small Step" on the lunar surface was achieved.
    This is a big part of our country today because the first person to ever walk on the moon was an American. It shows that our space program, NASA works hard to achieve new things as much as possible,
    <a href='' >http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/apollo/40th/images/apollo_image_11.html</a>