Space Timeline

By Goose
  • Period: to

    Space timeline

  • First dog in space

    First dog in space
    1. November 3rd 1957, Russian Sputnik 2 was launched into space. The first dog in space, Laika, accompanied it.
  • USAF Explorer

    USAF Explorer
    The 31 pound USAF Explorer is launched into space in 1958. It was America’s first successful satellite.
  • Luna 2

    Luna 2
    The Russian Luna 2, in 1959, was the 1st spaceship on the moon. Unfortunately it crash landed.
  • Tiros 1

    Tiros 1
    1. In 1960 the first weather satellite was launched. It was named Tiros 1.
  • Echo 1

    Echo 1
    Also launched in 1960 was the Echo 1. It was the first Comm. Satellite.
  • Sputnik 5

    Sputnik 5
    Sputnik 5 was also launched in 1960. It carried the 1st dogs, Strelka and Belka, to be returned to earth safely.
  • Venera 1

    Venera 1
    The first Venus probe, USSR Venera 1, was launched in 1961. Contact was soon lost
  • Anna 1 B

    Anna 1 B
    In 1962 the Anna 1 B was launched. It was the worlds first geodetic satellite.
  • Polyot 1

    Polyot 1
    In 1963 the first maneuverable satellite was sent into orbit. The USSR had launched the Polyot 1.
  • Valentina Tereshovka

    Valentina Tereshovka
    1963 is also known for being the year the first women went into space. Valentina Tereshkova Nikolayeva went for the USSR.
  • Voskod 1

    Voskod 1
    In 1964 the 1st 3 man spacecraft was successfully launched by the USSR. It was named Voskod 1.
  • Space Walk

    Space Walk
    The 1st space walk occurred in 1965. It was done by Leonov of the USSR
  • Surveyor 5

    Surveyor 5
    In 1967 the first chemical analysis of lunar soil was conducted. The soil was retrieved by Surveyor 5.
  • Apollo 8

    Apollo 8
    In 1968 the 1st manned flight around the moon was conducted. The Apollo 8 of the US accomplished this.
  • Venera 9

    Venera 9
    In 1975 the USSR launched the Venera 9. On October 22nd it land on Venus and transmitted the first pictures of another planet.
  • Columbia

    In 1982 the US Columbia made a record breaking 3rd flight in space. It landed after an 8 day mission.
  • Comet

    In 1985 the US made a first for space travel. A US probe reached a comet.
  • Uranus

    In 1986 the US had another first. A US probe reached Uranus for the 1st time.
  • Longest manned space flight

    Longest manned space flight
    In 1988 the longest manned space flight took place. It was accomplished by two cosmonauts from the USSR.
  • Voyager 2

    Voyager 2
    In 1989 the first probe to reach Neptune got there. It was the Voyager 2 sent by the US.