Gallileo's telescope
Galileo created a teliscope that could magnify 20 times, he could see the Moon, Jupitors satelites, sunspots, and the phrases of Venus. -
Astronomical unit
AU (astronomical unit) is the distance between Earth and the sun. It is used to measure the universe. It was discovered by Jean Richer and Cassini, They measured it to be about 138,370,000 km. -
Sputnik 1
Sputnik was created by the Soviet Union, it was the first man-made satilite ever. It was very important because it started the space race. -
First american in space
Alan B. Jr. was the first american man in space.He took the fredom 7 spacecraft. -
First orbit
John Glenn was the first american to orbit the Earth,He was on the friendship 7. He completed it jouney with out a heat shield and the auto pilot failed. -
First american space walk
Edward H. White II the first man to space walk. It was a four day mission, and he used the spacecraft Gemini-titan 4. -
First time on the moon
Apollo 11 along with it's 3 passengers was the first space craft ever to get to the moon and back. One of the passengers said ''That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." -
First orbit around the moon
Apollo 8 and its 3 man crew are the first americans to orbit the moon. On christman day they sent the first pictuses of Earth from a far. -
Apollo 13 breaks
Apollo 13's air tank breakes and it falls into the sea, they used ther spacecraft as a lifeboat. Soon enough they were rescued. -
Apollo 13 with moon rover
Apollo 15 was the first spacecraft to be on the moon for a while. One thing different was that it had a moon rover that could get around fastly and collected many samples. -
Apollo ends
Apollo 11 was the last apoll to the moon, it only had 1 crew member. -
viking 1
Viking 1 was the first of two to orbit mars. It was counted a planetary orbiter. -
The Shuttle era
The first shuttle-like spacecraft is lauched, begenning the shuttle era. -
First women in space
The first women in space is Sally K. Ride on the STS-7. -
Tragedy strikes
The space chuttle challenger explodes on 73 seconds after its lauch. It had seven crew members. People around the world watch as this happened, and then NASA made it's saftey precation better. -
Hubble is unusable
The hubble telecope goes into orbit, but shortly afterwards they find out something is wrong with the mirror. -
Hubble is fixed
They repair the telecope, in 2003 they lauched it it's last time. -
First spacestation
In 1998 the first space station was lauch, it was unhabitied until 2000. -
Firs women to drive a shuttle
Elieen M. Collins becomes the first women to drive an american shuttle, later in her life she captains one. -
Culumbia crashes
Columbias 28th flight it broke on it's way back to Earth, it burnt up and crashed killing its crew of 7. -
twin rovers on mars
We lauched twin rovers onto mars, they collected only geological info. -
Cassini is lauched
Cassini is lauched into saturns orbit, it also lauched a probe onto saturns biggest moon, Titan. -
The Discovery is lauched
Discovery is the first shuttle lauched since the culumbia disaster, it brought supplies to the international space station. -
Phoenix probe gets to mars
The phoenix probe lands on mars, it looks for proof that water was once there. -
Space x
Space x ask for private companies for money, soon enough they raise enough money and lauch the Falcon ( rocket which brought for supplies. -
The discovery's last flight
The Discovery lauches for it's last time to give supplies to the space station.