
Space Technology through time.

  • The First Satellite sent to space

    The First Satellite sent to space
    Sputnik the first satellite was launched by the USSR starting the space race.
  • NASA Founded

    NASA Founded
    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was founded to establish long-range studies for human benefit. NASA makes and launches rockets. Although they have not left earth's orbit in a very long time NASA is still running today.
  • First man in space.

    The first man in space was Yuri Gagarin. It was another victory for the USSR in the space race. The USSR was firmly ahead of the USA.
  • NASA's funding is greatly increased

    NASA's funding is greatly increased
    John F. Kennedy addressed a joint session of Congress to announce his decision to go to the moon. He backed up this decision with remarkable financial commitments. In the immediate aftermath of his speech, NASA’s budget increased by 89 percent and another 101 percent the following year. This was just a month and a few weeks after Yuri Gagarin went to space.
  • The Saturn V first launched

    The Saturn V first launched
    The Saturn V is one of the biggest and most powerful rockets. It is massive and later took Neil Armstrong and company to the moon.
  • Man On the Moon

    Man On the Moon
    Neil Armstrong made it to the moon firmly winning the space race for the USA.
  • Last person to leave Earth's Orbit

    After the space race was won by the USA there were a few lunar missions. As people lost interest in going to the moon and there were multiple failures NASA stopped doing lunar missions.
  • Space Shuttle Launched

    Space Shuttle Launched
    The space shuttle was supposed to be a big step in space exploration. Its goals were to reduce costs and bring the ship home in one piece.
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    Constructing the ISS

    The ISS (International Space Station) is The most expensive thing man-made. It is a station for study and science. Uniting scientists all over the world to study space.
  • The last space shuttle flight

    The space shuttle was a big failure. It had many failures in its flight and it was very expensive to make.
  • What stand now?

    Space now is less interesting and has seen a steady decline in major events. There are now private companies making it to space with little or no government funding. Including Blue Origin and Space X. NASA's focus is mostly on rovers now.