
space race timeline

  • launch of SPUTNIK

    launch of SPUTNIK
    the first satellite to be launched into space by humans. this was done by the soviets.
  • first animal in space

    first animal in space
    laika, a dog sent to space on SPUTNIK 2. this was also performed by the soviets.
  • first US satellite in space

    first US satellite in space
    Explorer 1, which was sent by the US.
  • Creation of NASA

    Creation of NASA
    this was all sparked by the US not wanting to fall behind in the race against soviet russia.
  • first animal the US sent to space

    first animal the US sent to space
    Ham the monkey, and he was perfectly fine the whole way up!
  • First man in space

    First man in space
    Yuri Gagarin, from soviet russia.
  • first man to orbit the earth

    first man to orbit the earth
    It was also, Yuri Gagarin, on the same flight as his first launch. he went around a little over one orbit. this was by the soviets.
  • First US man in space

    First US man in space
    Alan Shepard, on a Mercury Redstone Rocket in the freedom 7 capsule.
  • First man to orbit the earth by the US

    First man to orbit the earth by the US
    John Glenn, who became the fist space hero in the US.
  • JFKś speech

    JFKś speech
    this speech was more of a hype up then anything else.
  • first man to do an EVA

    first man to do an EVA
    Alexi Leonov, a soviet Cosmonaut.
  • first US man to do an EVA

    first US man to do an EVA
    Ed White, who ventured out of the gemini capsule.