Sputnick I launch
Sputnick I was the first artificial satalte sent into space which also happened to be russian. It is important because it started the amarican and russian space race. -
Dog in space
This is the time of the launching of the first soviet space dogs. this is imortant because it is the russian substitue to monkeys -
First us satilite
this is the date of explorer 1 (first us satalite) being launched. this is important because it is the first us satalite to ever be launched -
Nasa founded
This is the founding of nasa, amarica's space program. Nasa is important because it alowed the us to compete in the space race. -
monkey in space
this is the launching of albert II into space who sadly did not survive the crash landing. This is the start of sending amarican animals to space. -
man orbits earth
this is the day yuri gargargin began his orbit around earth making russians the first country to have a man orbit earth. this is important because he was the first man to orbit earth ever. -
Us man in space
this is the first man to reach space, named alan shepard. this is important because this is the first time the us had reached space. -
Us man orbits earth
this is the date of the first us man, jhon glen, orbiting earth. this is important due to it being a leap for amarica to help it catch up to russia -
First woman in space
this is the launching of valentina validirovna the first woman in space. this is part of wemon becoming equil citicens to men and achieving space for the first time. -
space walk
This is alexy leonov cunducting the first ever space walk. this is important because it is the first time anybody ever got out of the space ship in space. -
us space walk
this is the first amarican space walk. this space walk cunducted by ed white was another leap to catching up with the russians -
gemini 7
this is a rocket that stayed in space for 14 days requiring nasa to figure out how t sustain a rocket at leats that long. this is important because it is the start of prolonged space flight. -
Man on moon
This is the date of Niel armstrong setting foot on the moon as the first prson ever and as the first amarican ever. this is important because it is one of the few things the us did before russia. -
Appolo 8
This is appolo 8 the first human flight to leave earths orbit important because it is the start of flights leaving the orbit of earth