Sputnik 1
the sputnik 1 was the first satilite to launch it was created as the soviets. What the did not relize was that it would lead to the space race and that was why it is important to history -
Lakia first dog in space
Laika was the first dog and tecnicly the first female in space this was importnt because it proved that life can be supported in sppace -
Ham the chimp
Ham was a chimp launched into space he helped america know if life could live in space this is important because without it we wouldnt have launched a guy into space -
first man in space
Yuri Gargirim was the first man in space -
First woman in space
This was important because it showed that wemen could be as strong as men -
Wensday Conspiracy?????????
the day after Voskhad 1 landed a new Sovite goverment leader tried to end the tecknologe that started that rocket. I belive that this is important because if he would have succseded then we wouln't have needed to go to space. Went one for 2 days -
Three Men Died to a Fire
a little fire quickly spread through the cabin sufficating three people. This event is important because it made americans relize this would be a lot harder than the thought -
N-1 launch pad fail
This is an important because there was a chance that Sovites could have won the space race if the launch pad wouldn't have blown up so thank you explotions -
First man on the moon
the forst man on the moon was Neli Armstrong and Buzz Aldwen this was important because without it the space race would have not ended for a while -
Ameracans and Sovites work together
This is important becauseit stoped the space race for good