space raceFirst rocket ship to be lanched by solivient. That is wht started the space race. -
Sputnik 2
space racespace raceThey took a dogs into space named Laika. So they know if animals can go into space then humans can to. -
space raceNASA was announces the gemini program. That help build and program the aircrafts -
space raceThe Luna was the first man made object to orbit the sun. So they can explore new places and faster ways to get places. -
Mercery 6
space raceA capsule with John Glenn in it. orbited around the Earth 3 times. So John Glenn was the first US manned orbited flight -
Apollo 11
space raceNeil Armstrong Buzz Aldrin and Michel collings landed on the moon. So the USA beat Soivient in the space race. -
Mariner 2
space raceMariner 2 flies past Venus and enters a solar orbit. Usa have past solivent in the space race -
John F. Kennedy
space raceJohn F Kennedy was assassinated. So they thought the buget would go down. -
Apollo 11
space raceThey started a 10 day program to study and build aircrafts faster so can explore more -
Surveyor 3
space raceThat is what endded the space race after 8 years