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Space Race events

  • Sputnik 1 is launched

    Sputnik 1 is launched
    Russia launched the first satellite into space.The Russians polished and added a radio frecuency to make sure that every one knew that the Russians lauanched the first satellite.
    The Russians launched the first satellite into space.The Russians sort of rubbed the launch in the Americans faces. They told us they could make our wildest dreams come true because they launched the first satellite.
  • Dog in space

    Dog in space
    Russia's second space event was sending a dog to space. This was the second animal in space.
    Laika was the first dog in space, but the second animal in space. (we used the compound sentence)
  • First U.S satellite succesfully lauched

    First U.S satellite succesfully lauched
    NASA launched the first U.S satellite succesfully.
    The first U.S satellite in space was Explorer 1. This meant that NASA could lauch other satellites for different purposes.
  • NASA Founded

    NASA Founded
    America started the NASA space program just after sputnik 1 was launched.
    NASA was the first American space program. Afrer sputnik 1 was launched president Kennedy vowed that Russia would not beat America to space. Henceforth the space race was started.
  • Monkey in Space

    Monkey in Space
    Americas first action to go to space was to send animals into space. America sent a monkey into space.
    The American monkey was the first animal into space.This was Americas first action to go to space.
  • First Man to Orbit the Earth

    First Man to Orbit the Earth
    Russia sent the first man into space. His name Yuri Gagarin.
    Yuri Gagarin was the first man into space, but he was the third living thing in space.
  • First U.S Man in Space

    First U.S Man in Space
    Alan Shepard was the first U.S man in space. He was sent/launched from NASA.
    Alan Shepard was the very first man in space sent from the U.S. This means that it is possible for NASA to send men into space. He was sent on Apollo 14.
  • First U.S man to orbit the Earth

    First U.S man to orbit the Earth
    NASA sent John Glenn was the first American to orbit the Earth. John Glenn was about 40 years old when he orbited the Earth.
    John Glenn was the very first U.S man to orbit the Earth. This meant that NASA could do other orbital missions on other planets.
  • First woman in space

    First woman in space
    Russia lauched the first woman ever to go into space.
    Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman in space. Russia had sent men into space but never before a woman. They wanted just to show that they could send anything into space.
  • 1st space walk

    1st space walk
    Russia lauched astronuts to do first space walk.
    Alexei Leonov did the space walk in space. He was about 30 to 50 years old to do the space walk.
  • First U.S space walk

    First U.S space walk
    NASA launched the first American to do a space walk.
    Ed White was the American to do the first space walk. HE was around 40 to 50 years old.
  • Gemini 7

    Gemini 7
    NASA lauched Gemini 7 to test the affects of space on the crew.
    It was the first scientific mission in space. This ment that NASA could conduct experiments in space with the zero gravity and no oxygen enviroment.
  • Apollo 8

    Apollo 8
    NASA lauched Apollo 8 from Cape Kennedy. Apollo 8 carried 3 men, Micheal Collins,Neil Armstrong, and Buzz Aldrin.
    It paved the way for the landing of man on the moon. This meant that it was possible to travel to other planets.
  • First man on the moon

    First man on the moon
    NASA sent Neil Armstrong to the moon he was sent on the Apollo 8 rocket.
    Neil Armstrong was the first man ever on the moon. This meant that NASA could send astronuts. He ws sent with two other astronuts ,and there names were Micheal Collins and Buzz Aldrin. Michael Collins was the commander of the Lunar Modual and he could not get off the Lunar Modual because he had to control the Modual.