Sputnik Goes Out Into Space
Sputnik went up into space. It was the size of a beach ball. This event is important because it started the cold war between Russia and the United States. -
First Dog In Space
Laika was the first dog to go into space even though she died she was a legand. This event is important because they found out that space is safe for man to go into. -
NASA Was Born
NASA was created. This event is important because it helps the United States build onto the cold war and make them stonger and eventually win. -
First Chimp In Space
Ham the chimp was the first chimpanzee to go up into space. This event is important because it gave the United States more power to work because the were scared they wouldn't win the cold war. -
The First Person In Space
Yuri Gagarin was the first man to go up into space. This event is important because this gave the United States a reason towork harder. -
First Woman In Space
Valenrina Tereshkova was the first woman to go into space. This is important because it gave everyone a reason to work really hard so we could put men on the moon. -
The First Apollo
Apollo 1 went up into space. This event is important because it showed that the United States are not going to give up. -
Apollo 11 Launch
Apollo 11 launched. This event is important because if this didnt happen then we wouldnt have won the cold war -
Apollo 11 landed on the moon
Apollo 11 landed on the moon. This event is important because we were about to win the cold war and we were really happy that it didn't fail. -
First Man On The Moon
Neil Armstong was the first man on the moon followed by Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin. This event is important because it ended the cold war.