Space Race -Cm6

  • The USSR launched Spudnik 1

    The USSR launched Spudnik 1
    Sputnik IIt was the first satilitite launched it started the launching of satilites and started the space race
  • Launch of Sutnik 2 witch carried a small dog named lakia

    Launch of Sutnik 2 witch carried a small dog named lakia
    sputnik 2It carried the first living thing into space it also provided living things can survive in space
  • The USA launched Explorer 1

    The USA launched Explorer 1
    Explorer 1It was the first american satiliten
  • The USSR launched Luna 1

    The USSR launched Luna 1
    [Luna 1](It was the first man made object to orbit the sun. )It was the first man made object to orbit the sun
  • The USA launched Trios 1

    The USA launched Trios 1
    trios 1It was the first succsesful wheather satilite
  • The USA lauched explorer xiv

    explorer xivIt was the first satilite to have a spy camera
  • Yuria Gargan was launched into space

    Yuria GarganHe was the first man in space
  • the USA launched Alan S. into space

    Alan .SHe as the first American in space
  • The USSR launched Luna 9

    It was the first man made object to orbit the moon