Period: to
space race
cold war
was the beging of the cold war.This is importtant because it started a rivalry between the ussr and nasa and it all srarted sep 2 1945. -
sputnit 1
Sputnit 1 was a aircrsft that the ussr sent into space to orbit the eatrh. This is important because it started the rivalry and the compation between nasa and ussr. -
spoutnit 2
The ussr sent spudnic 2 into orbit with a small dog named Lakia. This is important because it proved that human could make it in space. -
exployer 2
was launched and failed to reach orbit. This is important because it told nasa that they needed to improve -
pioneer 1
first ship nasa built this is important because it was the first step nasa made into the space race -
albert ll
albert ll was the first animal to come back alive frome space. this is important because it proved that humans could go in space and not die from lack of oxygen or any other carbons in spaces atsomphere. -
vostic 1
Was a space craft with a person in it. This is important because it was the first person in space -
apollo 1
apolo 1 is the space craft that blew up this is important because they stopped the program nasa for about a year. -
soyuz 4&5
soyuz 4&5 make first landing this is important because it proves that you woudent sink into the moon -
apollo 11
neil armstrong and edwin buzz had landed on the moon this is important because it had ended the space race.