Moon 2

Space Race

By Lak36
  • Begining of space race

    October 4th 1957 the sulviate union launched the first satalite(Sputnick1) into orbit and started the space race
  • Liaka the space dog

    Liaka was the first dog in space and alsow Liaka showed by returning back safely that living organisms can withstand space travel.
  • explorer 1

    Explorer 1 marks the day that the United States finally got into the space race and is alsow the United States first satalite to orbit.
  • NASA

    The creation of NASA helped improve space travel by bringing together scientist, and archetects to build shuttles, crafts, and satalites
  • Luna 1

    Luna 1 is the first craft to orbit the sun
  • Luna 2

    Luna 2 is the first man made craft to land on the moon, In doing so the landing showed both the U,S,A, and the Sulviate union that the moon did in fact have a solid surface.
  • Tiros 1

    The Tiros 1 was the first weather satalite and today those are a nececity because we need to now when a storm is coming.
  • Soviet Vostok 1

    The Soviet Vostok 1 is famouse for caring the first man into outer space and orbiting the earth once. The pilots name was Yuri Gagarin.
  • Freedom 7

    The Freedom 7 mission was a historic day for the United States because Freedom 7 careried the first american in space, Alan Shepard.
  • Voshkod 2

    The first space walk was performed by the cosmonaut Alexei Leonov abourd the Voshkod 2
  • Apollo 11

    Neil Armstrong and Edwin''Buzz''Aldrin become the first men to walk on the Moon and end the space race for good because the sulviates couldn't even land a ship on the moon because they tried to get closer to the Apollo 11.