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Space Race-KB7

By byrd03
  • Launch of Sputnik 1

    Sputnik 1
    When the USSR launched Sputnik 1, the US was
    compelled to research outer space on its own.
    This special day marked the start of the space race
    between the US and USSR, to see which country
    could eventually put a human on the moon.
  • Launch of Explorer 1

    Explorer 1
    The US launched its first successful satellite into
    outer space. This piece of equipment made useful
    scientific discoveries, and even made a full orbit
    around the earth. America was finally catching up!
  • NASA is formed

    NASA formed
    Bringing together existing space reasearch groups, NASA
    was formed to further help space exploration by the US.
  • Pioneer 1 is Launched

    Launch of Pioneer 1Hoping to send their first spacecraft to the moon, NASA
    launched Pioneer 1. Although unsuccessful, this piece
    of equipment traveled a whopping 70,700 miles into space!
  • Luna 1 is Launched

    Launch of Luna 1
    The Soviets luanched Luna 1 and successfully reached
    the moon, but did not land the spacecraft on it. The US
    has some catching up to do!
  • Launch of Tiros 1

    Tiros 1 is Launched
    Launched by NASA as an experimental device, Tiros
    1 was launched into outer space. NASA wanted to
    see if weather satellites were useful in space.
  • First Man in Space

    First Man in Space
    Yuri Gagarit, a Soviet, was officially the 1st man in space.
    He was aboard the Vostok 1, and even made a full orbit
    around earth.
  • First American in Space

    First American in SpaceAlan Shepard becomes the first American man in space.
    The Soviets and Americans are now neck and neck in
    the Space Race!
  • President JFK Asks the US to go to Moon

    JFK asks US to go to Moon
    President John F. Kennedy dares the US to go on
    a challenging adventure by the end of the decade.
    He wanted the 1st man to go on the moon before
    the start of the 70's.
  • First Men on Moon

    First Men on Moon
    Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong become the first men to
    walk on the moon, aboard Apollo 11! These American
    men were the key to the US winning the Space Race!