Sputnik 1
Timeline:50 Years of SpaceflightThe Soviets lanched Sputnik 1-starting the Space Race. the Space Race was started because USA was worried that because the soviets could launch satellites maybe the could launch warheads. -
Sputnik 2
Timeline:50 Years of SpaceflightThe Soviets sent Sputnik 2 into space with the first living passenger on board a small dog named Laika. -
NASA Program
Timeline of Space ExplorationUSA creats NASA (National Aeronoutics and Space Administration) it replaces NACA (National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics). -
Luna 12
Timeline of Space ExplorationSoviets made Luna 12 the first man-made object to impact the moon. -
Vostok 1
Timeline of Space ExplorationThe Soviets sent Yuri Gagrin to space in Vostok 1 he became the first man in space. -
Mercury Freedom 7
Timeline:50 Years of SpaceflightAlan Shepard becomes the first American in space. -
JFK Speech
Timeline of Space ExplorationPresident John F Kennedy announces that America will atempt to put an American on the moon and back on earth befor the decade is over. -
Mercury 6
Timeline:50 Years of SpaceflightJohn Glenn was the first American to orbit the Earth. John orbited the Earth 3 times. -
Luna 10
Timeline :50 Years of spaceflightThe Soviets launched Luna 10 and on April 3 it enters luner orbit becoming the first space craft to orbit the moon. -
Apollo 11
Timeline of Space Exploration Timeline:50Years of SpaceflightNeil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin become the first men to step foot on the moon.This historical event fulfills president John F Kennedy's promise to America and ends the Space Race