Space Race

By notniuq
  • Period: to

    Animal in Space USA

    The first animals in space by the USA were fruit flies, a mouse but in the 1960s chimps, frogs, cats and many others were sent.
  • Satellite by USSR

    Satellite by USSR
    The Sputnik was the first artificial Earth satellite. It orbited Earth for 3 weeks and then another two months when the batteries died.
  • Animal in Space

    Animal in Space
    Dog Laika was the first animal in space. The spacecraft was called sputnik 2.
  • First Satellite in Space by USA

    First Satellite in Space by USA
    The United States launched Explorer 1 by a Jupiter C rocket.
  • Creation of NASA

    Creation of NASA
    The US congress passed the legislation establishing the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
  • First man in space ussr

    First man in space ussr
    Cosmonaut Yuri Alekseyevich Gargarin was the first man in space. He was also the first man to orbit the Earth. He did it in only 89 minutes.
  • First man in orbit USSR

    First man in orbit USSR
    The first man in orbit from the USSR was Yuri Gagarin. He did this only in 89 minutes,
  • man in space USA

    man in space USA
    Alan Shepard was the first man sent into space by the USA. He was aboard a Mercury Redstone Rocket mainly used for rockets.
  • First man in orbit USA

    First man in orbit USA
    John Glenn was a NASA astronaut. He flew in the Friendship 7 capsule. His mission lasted 9 days .
  • JFK's speech about getting to the moon

    JFK's speech about getting to the moon
    JFK Man on the moon speech was him dedicating the 1960s to get to the moon.
  • First man to EVA USSR

    First man to EVA USSR
    Leonov, launched on Voskhod 2, the worlds 17th human spaceflight. He was the first person to to exit and due extravehicular activity.