Space Race

  • Spunik I

    Space Race

    Soviet Union Launched the Space Race by putting the first
    man-made satellite in Earths orbit. This proved that the Soviet Union could launch war heads on America.
  • Sputnik II

    Space Race

    First living creature in space was ( a dog) aboard a Soviet Union ship that was sent into Earths orbit to see if living creatures to could live in space
  • Explorer 1

    Space Race

    First American satellite to orbit the sun. Carrying scientific supplies leading to the discovery of the Van Allen raidiation belt
  • NASA

    Space Race

    Orginization made to help space exploration expand and to keep up with the Soviet Union. (Made By U.S.)
  • Vostok I

    Space Race

    Soviet Union launched the first human in space (Yuri Gagarin) to see if humans could live in space temporarily
  • Freedom 7

    Space Race
    First American in space. Alan B. Shepherd was sent into space to keep up with the Soviet Union.
  • JFK speech

    Space Race
    At the Rice Stadium John F. Kennedy announced that “before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the earth.”
  • Apollo 8

    Space Race
    Nasa First mission in the Apollo program to send people to the moon the crew was Frank Borman, William A. Anders, and James A. Lovell Jr.
  • Apollo 11

    Space Race
    First men on moon (Niel Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin) fulfilling JFK's speech 9 years ago
  • Apollo 12

    Space Race
    Charles Conrad Jr. Richard Francis Gordon Jr. an Alan LaVern Bean were sent to the moon to research a ship that landed there berfore