space race

  • armstrong

    Neil Armstrong lands on moon and says "Thats one step for man one giant leap for man kind.
  • S1

    Sputnik 1 a artificial satellite the size of a beach ball, was the first articificial satellite that sent the first signals from space.
  • laika

    originaly a stray, laika was the first animal sent into space in sputnik2 to later died of overheating.
  • Solar power satel

    Solar power satel
    first solar powered satellite was vanguard, around the size of a soft ball with spikes in it
  • communications satellite

    communications satellite
    first communications satellite was put into orbit name:SCORE
  • rocket engine

    rocket engine
    first rocket engine restart in earth orbit and first lunar space craft
  • heliocentric orbit

    heliocentric orbit
    first human made object in heliocentric orbit
  • weather satel

    weather satel
    first weather satellite in orbit.
  • polar orbit

    polar orbit
    first satellite in polar orbit
  • spy satellite

    spy satellite
    the first spy satellite was launched.
  • space photo

    space photo
    first photogragh of earth from orbit, a picture of earth from the moon.
  • john F. kennedy

    john F. kennedy
    John F Kennedy speech on the beginingof the space race
  • rover

    first automatic rover in space. Lunokhod1.