At the beginning of the 20th century, with the cold war, the United States and the former Soviet Union began to compete to be the best in terms of economic, political, military and technological levels, so is the beginning of the space war to see who had more power and knowledge. technological.
and the space race end up on 17 july of 1975 -
soviet union
The Soviet Union was the first to put an artificial satellite into rotation, on October 4, 1957, Sputnik 1 was launched into space -
a month later the first living being was sent into space (the well-known dog laika) who died during the trip on sputnik 2, on November 3, 1957 -
united states start
All this made the United States react, which could not afford a technological superiority on the part of Russia, so at the beginning of 1958 they managed to launch their first satellite, the explorer l -
In October 1958, the space agency called NASA (National Aeronautical Space Administration) was created. -
yuri gagarin
The next step, also taken by Russia, was to successfully put a man into orbit, Yuri Gagarin. On April 12, 1961 It was mounted on the Vostok 3KA-3 (Vostok 1) spacecraft. -
first women in the space
June 16, 1963 - first woman to be in orbit (vostok 6) by RUSSIA
named Valentina Tereshkova -
Apollo 8
Apollo 8 was the third manned mission of the United States Apollo space program. and it was the first manned mission to leave Earth orbit, reach and orbit the Moon, and finally return to Earth. -
Apolo 11
The most recognized event was carried out by the United States with the launch of Apollo 11 with the mission of landing for the first time on the surface of the moon, it was on July 21, 1969, and 6 hours and a half after having Landed on the moon, Neil Armstrong became the first human being to set foot on the lunar surface. -
after the launch of apollo 11, the rivalry between these countries began to dissipate and not be taken so seriously, instead, this gave way to international cooperation creating the international space station ISS (international space station) and inIn 1998, Russia, through its agency, Roscosmos, launched the first module of what would become the International Space Station.