Sputnik 1
The Soviet Union launched the satellite "Spunked 1" into space. Sputnik 1 was about the same size as a beach ball and weighed 83.6 kg.This started the Space Race between U.S.A. and the Soviet Union. -
Sputnik 2
Laika the DogUSSR launch Laika the dog into space in Sputnik 2, this proves that life can go into space. Laika later died in the satillite because of heat exhaustion and being gassed. -
N.A.S.A was created
The U.S. goverment is in charge of Natioal Aeronautics and Space Administration (N.A.S.A.) which replaces N.A.C.A. This states that USA is commited to winning the "Space Race" against USSR. -
Discover XIV
NASAThe first camera equiped spy satllite is launched into orbit by a Thor Booster. The camera was used to spy on the soviets. -
Belka and Strelka
The Soviet Union send Belka and Strelka, the first two dogs into space, orbit, and return to earth alive. Which tells us we can go into space, orbit. and return alive as well. -
Vostok 3AK-3
Yuri GagarinSoviets send Yuri Gagarin is the first human to go into space, orbit, and come back alive. This puts the USSR way ahead of the USA. -
The Apollo Program is created
Apollo Program
The U.S.A.'s Apollo Program was about making a total of 11 spaceflights and walking on the moon, USA was for sure that they would win the "Space Race" with the Apollo Program. This program lasted from 1963-1972 -
Sigma 7
Sigma 7
U.S.A.'s amazing astronaut, Walter Schirra flew on the 5th Mercury flight and orbited earth 6 times. Walter Schirra did 2 missions. -
Mariner 2
An American space probe to Venus, was the first robotic space probe to conduct a successful planetary encounter, by passing by Venus and entering a solar orbit. -
Apollo 11
Neil Armstrong U.S.A.'s astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins fly to the moon and land. This proves the moon is solid. Neil and Buzz walk on the moon while Michael stays in the ship to make sure everything goes acording t plan.