Spunknit 1
The firs artifical satillite was launched by the Soviets, which then started the Space Race.Spuntik 1 was about the size of a beach ball and took about98 minutes to orbit the Earth.
NASA.gov -
Explorer 1 mission
Explorer 1launch followed a few months after the Soviet's Spuntik 1. and develped under the direction Dr. William H. Pickering. Exploerer 1 orbited around the Earth in a looming orbit.
NASA.gov -
This was the offical start of National Areonautics and Space Administration,or NASA for short. NASA's first high profile program was called 'Prodject Mercurey' which was an effort to see if humans could survive is space.
history.NASA.gov -
First man in Space
On that day, Russian conrumant Yuri Gagrin became the first human in space in his ship Vostok 1. And getting The Soviets a headstart in the Space race.
Blog.nasa.si.edu -
First American in Space
The United States sends astronaut Alan Shepered on a 15.28 second sub orbital flight on board the Freedom 7. Making him the frist American in Space.
History.com -
First man to orbit the Earth
John Glenn rocked the Frindship 7 after three years of training, making him the first American to orbot the Earth.
NASA.gov -
Ranger 8
The Ranger satillites were the first U.S. attemped to obtain c;ose up images of the Moon's surface.They were designated to fly stright to the moon, take pictures and send them stright back to Earth.
NASA.gov -
Apollo 8 mission
This mission was to demostrate translunar injection; cm navigation, communicatios and passive thermal control.
Airandspace.com -
Explorer 35
The U.S. launched the Explorer 35 for interpantary studies and solar trays.The spin rate was 25.6 mph. Mission objections were achevied and the space craft was turned off after 6 years in 1975.
NASA.gov -
Moon Landing
On July 20th 1969 the U.S. made history, when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Adrian were abord the Eagle when it landed on the moon. The spent a couple of hours on the moon and taking pictures. Then headed back to Earth.