
Space Race

  • First Satellite in Space by the USSR

    First Satellite in Space by the USSR
    Sputnik 1 was the first artificially made satellite placed in the orbit of the Earth and it sent signals back to the planet before the short lives of it's 3 batteries ran out.
  • First Animal in Space by the USSR

    First Animal in Space by the USSR
    The USSR launched a dog named Laika into orbit, making her the first animal from Earth to be in space. Laika died during re-entry to the planet.
  • First Satellite in Space by the USA

    First Satellite in Space by the USA
    The first US satellite was Explorer 1 and it was also the first satellite to carry scientific tools and devices. It was a large success, remaining in orbit for over 12 years, even after it's batteries had died.
  • The Creation of NASA

    The Creation of NASA
    After ideas by the government had been drafted of a civilian organization leading in non-military space programs, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, creating NASA.
  • First Animal in Space by the USA

    First  Animal in Space by the USA
    Ham the Chimp was the first animal in space by the US and also the first great ape in space. Ham took off on a suborbital flight as part of the mission Mercury-Redstone 2. Ham did all of his tasks correctly and also survived the trip.
  • First Man in Space by the USSR

    First Man in Space by the USSR
    Yuri Gagarin was the first human in space and his flight orbited the Earth once before he had a computer controlled reentry.
  • First Man in Space by the USA

    First Man in Space by the USA
    Alan Shepard was one of NASA's first astronauts and the first human sent into space by the US. He was launched in the Freedom 7 Mercury on a 15 minute suborbital flight without any errors communication-wise.
  • First Man to Orbit Earth by the USA

    First Man to Orbit Earth by the USA
    John Glenn was the first human by the USA to orbit the Earth. As part of the Mercury-Atlas 6, Glenn orbited the Earth 3 times and then landed in the Atlantic Ocean over the course of 4 hours and 55 minutes.
  • JFK's Commitment to the Moon

    JFK's Commitment to the Moon
    In a presidential speech to over 30,000 people, JFK announced the government's commitment to get to the Moon before 1970.
  • Gemini I

    Gemini I
    Gemini I was the first mission of Project Gemini and was used to test a modified Titan 2 launch vehicle and also to test the structure of the new Gemini spacecraft.
  • First Man to do an EVA by the USSR

    First Man to do an EVA by the USSR
    Alexei Leonov was the first person to leave a space capsule and float in orbit. This was part of the Voskhod 2 mission and Leonov almost died as his suit ballooned when leaving the internal atmosphere of the spacecraft but his moonwalk lasted around 12 minutes.
  • Gemini III

    Gemini III
    Gemini III was the first time 2 people were launched into space at the same time on the same craft. It also tested the first orbit-changing maneuvers in space.
  • First Man to do an EVA by the USA

    First Man to do an EVA by the USA
    Edward H. White was the first American to perform an EVA in which he used a handheld jet-gun to move himself out of the capsule and do a space walk.
  • Gemini IV

    Gemini IV
    This was the second crewed mission of Project Gemini and carried James McDivitt and Edward White. The flight orbited 62 times over the course of four days. This was also the mission that had Edward White perform the first American EVA.
  • Death of the Original Gemini 9 Crew

    Death of the Original Gemini 9 Crew
    Elliot See and Charles Bassett got into a crash in a jet while flying over to inspect their spacecraft.
  • Gemini XII

    Gemini XII
    This was the final crewed flight of Project Gemini and carried Jim Lovell and Buzz Aldrin who had to dock with a target vehicle and perform 3 EVAs.
  • Apollo 1

    Apollo 1
    Originally meant to be the first test of the Apollo command and service module, the mission was ended when the crew died in a flash fire during a rehearsal. The crew featured Gus Grissom, Edward White, and Roger Chaffee.