Space Race

  • First artificial satelite; First signals from space

    First artificial satelite; First signals from space
    The USSR sent Sputnik 1 into space and it became the first artificial satelite and it gave the first signals from space.
  • First animal in orbit

    First animal in orbit
    The USSR Sputnik 2 sent a dog named Laika into orbit around the Earth.
  • First Human Space Flight; First Orbital Flight of a Manned Vehicle.

    First Human Space Flight; First Orbital Flight of a Manned Vehicle.
    Yuri Gagarin in the USSR's Vostok 1 had first human spacefilght.
  • First Pilot-controlled space flight.

    First Pilot-controlled space flight.
    The US's Freedom 7 had Alan Shepard pilot the first human piloted space craft.
  • First orbital solar observatory

    First orbital solar observatory
    The US sent out the OSO-1-NASA which was the first orbital observatory.
  • First human-crewed spaceflight to, and orbit of, another celestial object: the Moon

    First human-crewed spaceflight to, and orbit of, another celestial object: the Moon
    The US's Apollo 8-NASA orbited the moon for the first time.
  • First crew exchange in space

    First crew exchange in space
    The USSR's Soyuz 4 and 5 had the first crew exchange in space.
  • First humans on the Moon; First space launch from another celestial body

    First humans on the Moon; First space launch from another celestial body
    The US's Apollo 11-NASA was the first mission that had humans land on the moon and lift off from the moon.
  • First Jupiter flyby

    First Jupiter flyby
    The US's Pioneer 10-NASA flew by Jupiter.
  • First multinational human-crewed mission

    First multinational human-crewed mission
    Both the US's and the USSR's ships did this with the Soyuz 19 and the Apollo–Soyuz Test Project.