Space Race

  • Sputnik

    This began the space war. It was the first satalite put into orbit. It travled 18,000 miles per hour!!!!!!! It completed an orbit in 96.2 minutes!!!
  • The Explorer 1

    The Explorer 1
    This satalite was the first one to be put into Earth's orbit by the U.S. This was the first of the 90 Explorer spacecraft series. This satalite was in orbit until 1970 AND was the first to get down the Van Allen radiation belt!
  • NASA was formed!!!!!!!

    NASA was formed!!!!!!!
    This was the day that NASA was formed. This group was formed by the USA. This group controls all trips to space. This Thursday will be the aniversery of the launch of the STS-1 first shuttle mission that happened in 1981!!
  • Discoverer 14 was launched!!!

    Discoverer 14 was launched!!!
    This was the 1st moving spacecraft to orbit sucsessfuly. This launch was made by the US. This launch boosted the us in the race!
  • This was the first person EVER in space!

    This was the first person EVER in space!
    This was made by the Russian empire. His name was Yuri Gagarin. This man was 27 years old when he made it up to space. The first words that he said when he landed was, "It was truly amazing!."
  • First AMERICAN in space!!!!!!!!!!

    First AMERICAN in space!!!!!!!!!!
    The US did not want to fall behind on the race, so as soon as they heard about the first Russian in space the started working on getting the first American to space. This man was Alan Shepard, He was 38 when he went on his trip to space.
  • This was the 1st woman in space!!

    This was the 1st woman in space!!
    The name of the first woman in space was Valentina Tereshkova. She was Russian also. This gave the Russian a big bost inthe race, but they knew it would not be long before the US caught up with them. She was chosen out of over 500 people to fly this spacecraft and orbut the earth. To her, this was a big honor.
  • 1st time actully in outerspace

    1st time actully in outerspace
    Alexey Leonov (Russian) was the first man actully outside the spacecraft in space. He was out for about 13 minutes! This was suppoesed to happen in the launch of the Voskhod 1, but that launch was cancelled so they did it on the launch of the Voskhod 2. He was very lucky because he barley made it back with enough air.
  • 1st American Man to spacewalk!!!!!

    1st American Man to spacewalk!!!!!
    The name of the 1st brave American astranout to spacewalk is Ed White. He was out there for about 30 minutes taking samples of the air for NASA. He beat the Russians by staying out there over half the time the Russian did. He was between Mexico and Hawaii.
  • Luna 9

    Luna 9
    This spacecraft called the Luna 9 was the fisrt craft to have a soft luna landing. This was a probe and it was sent up by the russians to take pics of the moon. Unfortunetly, these pictures were not released out of russia. Therefore, the US has never seen them.
  • Luna 10

    Luna 10
    This probe was the first spacecraft to fully and successfully orbit the moon. The cool thing about this certain craft is that it was the first thing to break apart, gather info, then come back together and return safely to earth!
  • Soyuz 1

    Soyuz 1
    Vladimir Komarov was who ths particular ship was named after. When the soyuz was returning, it had difficulties and crashed. This was the first fatal thing that has happened in the space race.
  • Apollo 8

    Apollo 8
    This trip was the first time that man had gone around the moon!! This was a trip sent by the US. Frank Borman, James Lovell, and William Anders were the men that were on this spaceshuttle. The were each about 30 when they went. Something really cool that they did was they showed the view on live t.v.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    This was great for the US. They had got to the moon before the solviet.
  • Apollo 17!!

    Apollo 17!!
    This landing was the most recent human landing to now. Eugene Cernan, Ronald Evans, and Harrison Schmitt were the 3 men that were on this trip.
  • Bibliography

    google images
    nasa website