monkey in space
When Russia sent the first mammal into space. It was important because it showed how G's and zero gravity affected mammals. -
sputnik 1 launched
Sputnik 1 was the first successful satelite ever launched to orbit earth. Sputnik 1 was important because it taught us about artificial satellites. -
dog in space
When Russia sent the first dog into space to see how it's body reacted. They sent many different species to test this. -
first us satelite launched
This is when America sent their first satellite into space to orbit earth. This was important because it showed that America knew alot about space. -
NASA founded
When NASA was founded it gave America the chance to explore space more thoroughly. It was important because we didn't have alot of knowledge about space. -
first man to orbit earth
This is when Yuri Gagarin orbited earth. This was important because it showed how space affects our bodies. -
first us man in space
This is when America sent Alan Shepard into space. This was important because we had never been to space. -
first US man to orbit space
This is when America sent a man to orbit Earth. This was important because it got us closer in the space race. -
First women in space
This was when Russia sent Valentina Tereshkova into space. This was important because it showed women could do just as much in space as men. -
First space walk
This is when Russian Alexey Leonov went outside of his spacehuttle and was floating in space. This was important because nobody had ever been outside of a shuttle before. -
first us space walk
This is when Ed White went outside of his shuttle and floated in space. This was important because America had never done this before and it tied us on the space race. -
Gemin 7
This is when Gemini sent a man operated flight into space. It was important because i showed how the human body reacted to 2 weeks in space. -
Apollo 8
This is when a space shuttle went to the vicinity of the moon. This was important because nobody had ever been to the moon. -
1st man on the moon
This is when America sent Armstrong,Aldrin and Collins into space. This is important because this is the first time anyone was on another celestial body.