sputnick 1 launch
sputnick 1 was launched in to space to send radio signal and the signals made a beeping sound. sputnick 1 was the first man made satellite to be sucessfully sent to space. -
dog in space
the ussr sent dog to test space flight feasableiteys he flew for 4 hours but died on take off. the many dog sent up were key to the ussr in perfecting there space suits and ships. -
first us satellite successfully launched
explorer 1 was launched by our military and afer 21 year it finally fell out of orbit and burned. explorer 1 was the first to do research on the radiation around the earth. -
nasa founded
in 1958 Dewight eisenhower comisioned the n.a.s.a. program. nasa has developed some of the best technologys in auronautics. -
monkey in space
monkeys were like the dogs for the ussr they were only the test subjects to test the designs of the space craft and suits. monkeys saved many lives by testing a ship that nasa was about to put a person in the monkey died as soon as it lifted off. -
first man to orbit earth
juri gagurian was the first he was up there for 108 min he survived.he was the first man to see space and the earth as a whole. -
first us man in space
alan shepard was the first man in space and the fith on the moon he was out there for 33 min and survived.he was also the oldest man in space and to ever go to the moon. -
first us man to orbit the earth
john glenn made history by orbiting earth for 4hrs and 15 min. he showed that the us was capable of space travel. -
first women in space
valentina tereshkova was the test piolet for the vostok 6 space craft.she was the first women and civilian in space or a space craft. -
first space walk
alexi leonov was in space for 12 min his suit was so bloted that he had to deflate it while he was in space. th ussr was becoming so much more advanced then the us . -
first us space walk
ed white was the first man to go into space he floated around for 23 min. it shomed that we were ready to walk on the monn or that we could repair satellites -
gemini 7
borman lovoell the flight commander flew for 14 days and survived it was the 12th manned craft and the 20th total. -
first man on the moon
neil armstrong was the first man on the moon he walked around on the moon for 3 hours. while the ussr was first to put a man in space we were first on the moon. -
apollo 8
the second crewed mission from the apollo program the mission was to see the moon and earth as a whole. they were the first humans to go out of earth's low orbitand the first manned crew from jfk space center