Sputnik I
This was the first artificial satellite to be launched into space. This was an important step for the world because it forced the U.S. to advance its knowledge in space exploration. It Belonged to the Soviet Union. -
Sputnik II
Sputnik I and Sputnik II are the first two satellites to provoke the beginning of the Space Race. The Space Race was a race to accomplish the most important space event. The Space Race was between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. -
Explorer I
The Explorer I was the first U.S. satellite ever to be launched into space. "The Space Race has begun!" This event was important because it was the first satellite the U.S. ever launched. -
Vostok I
The Vostok I carried the first person (Yuri Gagarin) into space. He orbited the Earth once. Yuri was in orbit for 108 minutes before landing in the Soviet Union. This event was important because it was the first spacecraft to carry a human. -
Friendship VII
The Friendship VII carried the first man from the U.S. into space. This mission was important because the man John Glenn was the first man to orbit the Earth. -
Apollo VIII
The goal for the Apolo VIII was to have it do a figure eight around the moon and the earth. Tis was important because it was the first manned spacecraft to leave Earth's orbit. -
Appollo XI
The Appollo XI was the spacecraft that was sent to deliver the first man to the moon. The man's name was Neil Armstrong.
The Space Race was over! This mission was important because as Neil Armstrong put it;" That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. -
The Mir space station orbited earth from 1986 to 2001. It was owned by the Soviet Union. The Mir was important because it was the first module space station. -
The Cassini Space Probe
The Cassini Space Probe was sent to Saturn to collect data for experiments the probe was "called" back to earth in 2005. The Cassini Space Probe was important because it was the first probe to enter the orbit of Saturn. -
The International Space Station
The first part of the International Space Station was sent up in the year 1998.The next parts were completed/sent up several years later. As of now the I.S.S. allows scientists and astronauts to do experiments from the "comfort" of space. The I.S.S. was an important event because it allows us to do more research in a shorter amount of time. This also saves money of the different missions the scientists/astronauts would have to take.