The first spotting of the moon through a telescope by Galileo Galilei
Robert H. Goddard launches first liquid fueled rockets
First animals launched into space (fruit flies) by the U.S.
First artificial satellite put into space that brings back signals to earth launched by the USSR
First animal launched into orbit, dog named Laika launched by USSR
Explorer 1 was the first satellite launched by the United States
Cosmonaut Aleksei Leonov takes man's first space walk.
First manned spacecraft to orbit moon, Apollo 8, comes within 70 miles of lunar surface.
Man walks on the moon. Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin of Apollo XI spend 21 1/2 hours on the moon, 2 1/2 of those outside the capsule
Skylab I, first U.S. orbiting laboratory, launched
Sally Ride becomes first American woman in space.
The Space Shuttle Discovery deployed the Hubble Space Telescope.
Eileen Collins became the first female Shuttle Commander
An American and Russian crew begins living aboard the international space station
American Dennis Tito became the first tourist in space after paying the Russian space program $20,000,000