Inventions of telescopes
Galileo explored the night sky with a telescope, he found that Jupiter has moons, the moon has craters and Venus phases. -
Space exploration is theoretically possible
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky discovered that physical space exploration is possible. This is important because it gives people a boost that this can be done because it might seem like a impossible goal. -
Robert H. Goddard invented liquid and multi stage rockets
This made it much more efficient and easier to get into space, because you can get rid of excessive weight with multi stage rockets and liquid fuel is much more efficient than gunpowder. -
First ICBM
The first ICBM was created this showed that tracking devices work. This can help to learn about how to predict where to land something while the Earth and moon are spinning. -
First signals from space and first artificial satellite sent into space.
This was sent up by USSR and kind of marked the start of the Space Race, this also help put all of these other satellites into space. -
First solar probe
This is important because probes can now last a lo longer because they don't depend on battery life but on solar power allowing to more time to explore -
First complete man space flight
This is important because this was the first man in space, and the first manned orbital space flight, launch and land. Thus proving that humans can go into space. -
First orbital docking
This is important because now satellites and shuttles can now repair each other in space without having to bring the object back down to space and then relaunch it, so it saves a lot of money and now there can be a middle passage to get to farther places and what not. -
First humans on the Moon and samples returned from the Moon
This is important because these brought back the first samples of the Moon telling us what minerals are on the Moon and first humans of the Moon to help us learn more about the Moon. -
First photos and soil samples from Mars
This is important because now we can tell if life on Mars is possible and if there was water on it or what not. -
First operational rover on Mars.
This is important because it will allow for us to detect if there is any possibility to live on Mars. -
First Multi National Space Station
This is important because its shows corporation between countries and that this space station has ben operational for 18 years and counting and now provides a middle pitstop for future trips to Mars. -
First telescope designed to search for planets like Earth (Kepler)
This is important because now humans can find other planets to search for, in case something happend to Earth or to see if there is extraterrestrial life. -
First probe into interstellar space
This is important because this probe can gather information of other solar systems, stars, comets, etc... -
First food grown in space to be eaten (lettuce)
This is important because now we know that food can be grown in space and then eaten this way we dont need trips back to earth to get food we can grown it.