Sputnik 1
Solviet Union launched the first satellite into space. This caused the Space race between the United States of America and the Soviet Union. -
Explorer 1
United States sends up their first satellite. This lead to the discovery of the Van Allen radiation belt. -
Vanguard 1
The Untited States sends up Vanguard 1 satellite. This satellite showed the U.S.A that a satellite can function for at least three years. -
Freedom 7
Alan Shepard was the first Americian in space. Thisprogressed our technology knowing that the USA could send up a person and bring them back saftley. -
President John F. Kennedy announces that they woulxd be sending 3 men to the moon and back saftley. This started the preperation to send 3 men to the moon. -
Vostokk 1
The Soviet Unionlaunches the first person into space, Yuri Gargarin. This showed that we can send perople into space and get them home saftley. -
Mercury 6
John Glen is launched into space and orbits the Earth three times in almost 5 hours. This showed us that a rocketcould go over the speed of 17,000mph. John Glen was also the oldest man in space at age 77. -
Survyor 1
Surveyor 1 a lunar lander, preforms the fisr lunar landing. This shoed that softlanding can succesfully be made on the moon so now they can send up further technology, -
Apollo 11
Neil Armstrong and and Buzz Aldrin were the first people to walk on the moon. While they explored the moon Michael Collins orbits the moon to find further data. This amazing event officiallly ended the space race giving the United States victory. -
Apollo 12
Pete Conrad and Alan Bean succesfully preform the first lunar landing, touching down 600 feet from the Siveyor 3 probe that ariievd 3 years earlier. This could give the USA more data anout the moon.