Invention of the first teliscope
Galileo Galilei was the first person to see the moon throw a telescope. He was also the one how made it. -
First liquid rocket made
Johannes Winkler made the first liquid-fueled rocket and tested it in Dessau, Germany. -
The first animals in space
The U.S. was the first nation to launch animals up into space. The first animals up in space were fruit flys. -
First animal launched into orbit
On November 3rd Laika a dog was sent into orbit around earth by Rusia. It did not survive. -
The first picture of the moon
The U.S. was the first to take a picture of the moon. -
The first hominidae in space
The U.S. We're the first people to get a Hominidae in space and it did tasks in space. -
First soil sample of another world
USSR was the first nation to get soil samples and sound recording from Venus. They were also the first to get soil samples from a different world. -
First mission going into a gas giant
U.S. was the first nation to launch a mission into the atmosphere of a gas giant. The gas giant was called Jupiter. -
First food grown in space
U.S. and Japan were the first people to grow Lettuce in space and eat it.