
Space Exploration

By rossp06
  • USSR's Sputnic 1 is launched

    USSR's Sputnic 1 is launched
    Sputnic 1 was the first satlite shot in to space during the cold war.
  • USSR launches Sputnic 2

    USSR launches Sputnic 2
    Sputnic two carried a small dog to test if humans could survive. Saddly the dog did not survive.It was important because it was testing to see if humans could survive in space
  • USA launches Explorer 1

    USA launches Explorer 1
    the launch of Explorer 1 was important because it was the first american satiliete to reach orbit
  • explorer 2 lanched

    explorer 2 lanched
    it failed to reach orbit
  • NASA is created

    NASA is created
    This is important to us because NASA is in the USA and it is still going on today
  • Yuri Gagarin is the first man in space (Solvietts)

    Yuri Gagarin is the first man in space  (Solvietts)
    It was important to us because it was a discovery that people could live in space
  • Alen B Shepard goes to space

    Alen B Shepard goes to space
    It was importent because he was the first american in space
  • Jon Glenn orbits the earth 3 times

    Jon Glenn orbits the earth 3 times
    It was important because it was the 2nd american in space
  • Luna 10 is launched

    Luna 10 is launched
    It is important because it was the first satlite to orbit the moon
  • Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin become the first men to walk on the moon

    Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin become the first men to walk on the moon
    It was important because the americans made the accomplishment of walking on the moon