Period: 476 to 550
Aryabhatta lived as a great astronomer/mathematician.
He is famous for his books written about astronomy and mathematics. -
Period: Feb 19, 1473 to May 24, 1543
Nicolaus Copernicus
Nicolaus Copernicus lived in Poland his whole life. He became famous from his theory which stated that Earth is a planet that circles the sun. -
Period: Feb 15, 1564 to
Galileo lived in Italy.He was the first astronomer to use science to find out what the universe was made out of. -
A comet is a small world called a planetesimal, it is made out of dust and ice. Halley's Comet is one of the most famous comets because it was predicted that it would be seen every 75 to 76 years by a man called Edmund Halley (the comet was named after him). -
In 1926, the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) was founded.The CSIRO have been studying astronomy. -
The First Animal in Space
Though most people believe that a dog was the first animal to enter space, they are proven wrong because the first animals to enter space are actually fruit flies. -
What was Laika? Why was Laika famous?
Laika was a Siberian husky. She was famous because she was the first animal to orbit Earth. Unfortunately, she didn't make it back to Earth. -
It was the 29 of July, 1958 when NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) was founded
NASA does all the launches to space for America -
Mercury Program
The program started from 1959 to 1963. The goals of the program were to: orbit a manned spacecraft around Earth, investigate how a man can function in space and redeem the man and the spacecraft safely. -
Who was Yuri Gagarin? Why was he famous?
Yuri Gagarin was a Soviet cosmonaut, his fame was due to him being the first man in outer space. -
Apollo Program
The Apollo program started from 1963 to 1972. Apollo's goal was to land a man on the moon and return him to Earth. -
Gemini Program
The Gemini program was created for the purpose of teaching astronauts the techniques involved in docking, rendezvous, long-term flight and space-walks. This program lasted from 1962 to 1966. -
When was the first successful orbit and landing on Mars
In 1971, Mariner 9 was the fisrt space craft to orbit Mars. The Soviet Mars 3 mission was the first to land on the surface of Mars. -
Space Shuttle
The difference between the space shuttle and the spacecraft is that a space shutttle can be reused where as the spacecraft can't. There where six space shuttles built and flown.The first space shuttle mission was on the 12th of April 1981 and the last was the 21st of July 2011. The space shuttle Challenger is different because on it's 10th launch, it exploded and killed the 7 crewmates. -
What is the International Space Station (ISS)? What does it do?
The ISS is a large spacecraft that orbits Earthand homes astronauts.The station's purpose is for NASA to learn about living and working in space. -
On the 24th of August 2006, Pluto was considered no longer a planet because it doesn't have the necessary requirements of being a planet.